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The Pool

The Pool

Check out the latest issue of The Pool Issue 8 Now Online!
Dive in at: thepool.calarts.edu

Thank you to the Pool for your mention in the Class Notes of my participation with the many amazing artists for Durden and Ray’s exciting project Personal 

Contacts! You can learn more about this project below!






Ismael de Anda III, LA Bloom (Los Angeles Blossom), 2020, 4×8 ft. digital print


(left) Ismael de Anda III, LA Bloom (Los Angeles Blossom), 2020, 4×8 ft. digital print with (right) Lorenzo Baker, jewelette, 2020, cut flowers, cellophane, rubber bands, 16x25in.


(top) Alexandra Wiesenfeld wuth Regina Herod, / (bottom-left) David Leapman with Nick Lowe, (bottom right) Ismael de Anda III with Lorenzo Baker


(top) Ben Jackel with Claire Jackel, (bottom) Nick Lowe